
We are Solving the Problem with Pre-Rolled Cones

  umans have long been consuming cannabis, ancient populations likely uncovered the psychoactive effects of the plant by chance after burning it. In those early days, cannabis flowers were primarily burned similar to incense, and its fumes were inhaled. In the fifteenth century, when European explorers visited the New World and observed Native Americans smoking tobacco through a pipe—the discovery changed the way people consumed cannabis (and tobacco) globally. As time went on, and cannabis became more prevalent, alternative forms of consumption were developed to thoughtfully and more efficiently enjoy the plant’s effects. joint roller machine Eventually, cannabis became illegal in many areas of the world, and consumers were forced to consider a more discreet way to enjoy the plant. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (United States) had an immense impact on the way Americans consumed cannabis. Once the act was passed, cannabis smokers needed to conceal their practice or risk arrest. In th

how to roll a classic joint

  S ometimes there’s no better way to relax than to roll a nice, smooth joint and light up. Not only does a neatly rolled joint look good, but it also burns evenly, and should give you a hit of pleasure with every toke. If you are new to cannabis and learning the ropes or looking to up your rolling game, this step-by-step guide will show you how to roll a classic joint, along with a few tips and tricks to nailing this timeless classic. joint roller machine supplies needed Cannabis Flower. When starting off, think small, use standard-sized rolling papers with a half gram of cannabis. Rolling Papers. For beginners, try hemp papers—both thin and strong, they typically burn evenly without affecting the taste of your flower. Crutch (Optional). Since you can make a crutch out of just about anything, they are commonly DIYed—thin cardboard or business cards trimmed to size are common go-tos. Grinder (Optional) Poker, Pencil, or Pen (Optional) alright, let’s get started Have all you

The Benefits of Automating your Pre-roll Business

  Modern automation is the power that drives innovation across many industries—from farms to retail distribution centers. In the cannabis industry, automated systems and sophisticated machinery have become increasingly available to business owners—improving performance in cannabis cultivation, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution.   pre roll machine automation is a technology that allows a task or workflow to be accomplished with minimal intervention by humans. One tremendous advantage for modern-day entrepreneurs is the fluidity that currently defines the cannabis industry. Most cannabis businesses are still growing, learning, and experimenting. Implementing automated solutions is a natural move—and also an essential requirement—in an industry where new ideas are greeted with enthusiasm more than trepidation. It’s no secret the success or failure of cannabis businesses will depend on their willingness and ability to use technologies. This industry is

Machines Tailored to fit the experience, not the process

  With the rise of small and large cone-filling and packing machines, meeting large production pre-roll demands became a reality. Cone filling machines typically fill between 50 and 500 pre-rolls at a time and are efficient, fast, and cost-effective, saving you time and reducing labor costs. But these machines also come with many drawbacks. automatic joint roller RollPros™ Blackbird™ Rolling System is ideal for high-quality commercial cannabis pre-roll production. It maximizes pre-roll joint production while preserving the integrity of the flower’s key active ingredients—all those flavonoids, cannabinoids, and terpenes—which are located primarily in the trichomes. These chemical compounds give the plant its unique features and effects and are often destroyed during other pre-roll production processes. RollPros optimized their Blackbird Rolling System to meet the challenges of cannabis’ physical properties while delivering consistent, reproducible, and uniform pre-rolled joints. In c

10 reasons you need an automated pre-roll system

  Modern automation is the power that drives innovation across many industries—from farms to retail distribution centers. In the cannabis industry, automated systems and sophisticated machinery have become increasingly available to business owners—improving performance in cannabis cultivation, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution. One tremendous advantage for today’s entrepreneurs is the fluidity that currently defines the cannabis industry. Most cannabis businesses are still growing, learning, and experimenting. Implementing automated solutions is a natural move—and also an essential requirement—in an industry where new ideas are greeted with enthusiasm more than trepidation. joint rolling machine 10 reasons you need an automated pre-roll system The best automated pre-roll machines help increase production, allowing businesses to grow‌ and sustain. Here are the top ten reasons for automating pre-roll. 1. Labor and overhead savings. Automated pre-roll

10 reasons you need an automated pre-roll machine

  Modern automation is the power that drives innovation across many industries—from farms to retail distribution centers. In the cannabis industry, automated systems and sophisticated machinery have become increasingly available to business owners—improving performance in cannabis cultivation, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution. One tremendous advantage for today’s entrepreneurs is the fluidity that currently defines the cannabis industry. Most cannabis businesses are still growing, learning, and experimenting. Implementing automated solutions is a natural move—and also an essential requirement—in an industry where new ideas are greeted with enthusiasm more than trepidation. rolling cone machine 10 reasons you need an automated pre-roll system The best automated pre-roll machines help increase production, allowing businesses to grow‌ and sustain. Here are the top ten reasons for automating pre-roll production: Labor and overhead savings.  Faster ret

Commercial Grinders for Pre-roll Production

  If you want to process and assemble cannabis pre-rolls, you need a grinder. Not a small, twist-top grinder made for consumer use, but one able to break down a lot of cannabis plant material quickly. A commercial grinder is capable of such a task—allowing operators to process large quantities of cannabis plant material fast. But commercial grinders also have powerful motors that heat up over time, and aggressive grinding exposes cannabis flower to additional heat produced by the kinetic energy created while grinding. When cannabis flower is heated above room temperature, its terpenes and cannabinoids burn off, which degrade its quality. cone rolling machine Some commercial grinders used in processing facilities today are common industrial-sized kitchen blenders, designed to hygienically pulverize material. While these are an effective way to grind kitchen herbs and other food products, it ruins trichome dense cannabis. The more times a blade, paddle, or whip hits the material, the g